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The Shared Water Facility provides expertise to facilitate dialogue and joint action where cooperation has slowed or stopped.  Partnership lies at the centre of the Facility in order to respond to the needs of stakeholders and to shift shared water challenges to shared water solutions.


Our mission

We are a global partnership determined to strengthen cooperation on shared waters; we support stakeholders in navigating and negotiating agreements over water resources. 

Our story

Established in October 2020, the Shared Waters Cooperation Facility is led by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Oregon State University (OSU) and funded by the US Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES).

Our purpose

1. Empower cooperation on shared waters and support stakeholders to navigate and negotiate agreements for water resource protection and management

​2. Provide and source appropriate expertise that can facilitate dialogue and joint action where cooperation has slowed or stopped

3. Respond to the needs of stakeholders through matching services to problem solving, connecting solutions, and supporting learning to improve performance


8th African Water Week

Scaling up transboundary Water Cooperation in Africa: First steps and opportunities for strategic engagement

Discover highlights from initial steps toward water cooperation in Africa. This session will focus on examples from recent efforts to jointly monitor and institutionalize data exchange in two shared watercourses in Southern Africa. In addition, we will present a rapid appraisal process for “unblocking” cooperation in shared waters, intended to be rolled out in the near-term as part of the recently launched shared water facility project. 

 22 – 26 November 2021

Stoney River

Water conflicts can reach such intensity that it may take years or even decades to work towards political de-escalation. This projects seeks to catch potential tensions before they become intractable, allowing for dialogue and agreements that can prevent conflicts from escalating to begin with

Professor Aaron Wolf, Oregon State University

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